Source for a small quantity of silicone

Rodney Pritchett
Sat, 10 May 2003 15:48:13 -0400

I stumbled on a source for a small quantity of silicone for those who
would like to make their own center pin lubricant concoction.

It's available at Sports Authority in the fishing department and is
called Dry Fly (packed by Crystal River).  It's made for fly fishermen
to use to keep their flies afloat longer.  The back of the package says:
100% pure silicone.  A 1/2 ounce bottle on a blister pack for $2.99.

Other sporting goods stores may carry it or the same thing under a
different label.

If it won't work for pianos, it sure does up at the river - but then I'm
no fly fisherman either - yet.  :-)

Rodney Pritchett
Marietta, GA

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