Pet Hate

Thomas Cole
Sat, 10 May 2003 15:53:12 -0700


I would bring it up to no more than 100 cents flat and if they have an 
issue with that, then I would talk about transposing the keyboard. I've 
seen it done (by a client/engineer who had perfect pitch) and I figure 
it would take me about three hours to slide the keyboard (to the right, 
though :-) and modify the top keys of lower sections to align under the 
first stickers of subsequent sections, trimming an inch off the treble 
key block and gluing it onto the bass block.

Tom Cole

Alan Forsyth wrote

>Does anyone have a foolproof method of pitch-raising these monsters without
>turning oneself into a raving lunatic? They really do make a mockery of ones
>senses. The one idea that I have come up with is to just transpose the whole
>keyboard I.e. just slide the whole keyboard to the left and swopping over
>the cheek blocks.
>Alan Forsyth
>pianotech list info:

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