Steinway Article in NY Times

Bill Ballard
Sun, 11 May 2003 10:59:42 -0400

At 7:40 AM -0400 5/11/03, Farrell wrote:
>No one at Steinway can really say? Oh, come on! No engineers at 
>Steinway? No one at Steinway read any of Stanwood's articles on how 
>to measure key ratio or how to set a proper capstan line? No one at 
>Steinway that can measure with a ruler? No one at Steinway that has 
>had a college class in wood technology?

David actually made a full presentation at the factory in Fall '95 
(?), four or five months before the Birmingham's sold to Selmer. Gray 
Green was David's biggest proponent.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"A man who tells the truth is bound to be found out sooner or later."
     ...........Uncle Harry in "The Tailor of Panama"

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