Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways: was Baldwin Accujust...

Roger Jolly
Sun, 11 May 2003 10:32:59 -0600

At 07:49 AM 5/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Read the NY Times Roger. And I thought you knew it all. Its the amount of 
>sunlight and water that makes the plate grow differently. It's these 
>variations that give the pianos their richly diverse personalities.
>Terry Farrell

Hi Terry,
               There is some validity to "aging'  a sand cast plate to 
relieve internal stress.  Now how much, is another question.
The wider temperature variations of storing them out side could speed the 
process up.  But I have seen no definitive scientific evidence to say how 
much and how long.  The expansion and contraction of the plate while under 
no form of load, will help it to find it's point of equilibrium.
There is definitely a lot of romance to the story.  Just like growing trees 
on the North side of a Canadian mountain, to get the best spruce.  <G>
Regards Roger 

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