More on bridge making

Bill Ballard
Sun, 11 May 2003 19:18:35 -0400

At 12:25 PM -0700 5/11/03, Delwin D Fandrich wrote:
>From: "David Love" <>
>  > Is there any reason you wouldn't make a bridge root out of pinblock
>>  material?  I'm thinking of a straight bass bridge in which the material
>  > would be turned so the laminations were vertical.  I have a fair amount
>  >of scrap.
>It doesn't look traditional.
>(Oh, yes, and Kimball did it....)

Del, are you talking about laminations which are parallel to the 
plane of the board, such as in the Kimball. Or a strip of pinblock 
material which has been turned 90º so that the laminations are square 
to the plane of the board?

David has a good question. His idea would require side gluing strips 
together to cover the curved footprint of the bridge. It just 
wouldn't have the combination of maple and oak.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"I'll play it and tell you what it is later...."
     ...........Miles Davis

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