Redesign arguments
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:31:16 EDT

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As a person who is trying, as we all are, to improve his craft, I appreciate 
the leading edge technical information provided by those who are trying to 
make the piano a better instrument.

As a person who is sincerely struggling over the ethics and efficacy of 
various redesign operations, I very much appreciate the arguments of Robin 
Hufford, David Love, Bill Ballard, John Hartman, et. al., which speak 
eloquently to the philosophical and commercial, as well as the technical side 
of these processes. The many different positions taken on the recent Horowitz 
piano thread have been equally enlightening, and showed that there are more 
than two sides to most issues.

I would say, though, that two recent sarcastic posts (concerning FAILURE to 
redesign) shed more heat than light, and I think they tend to stifle 
conversation. I understand the emotional stake one can have in defending a 
position, and I relish the intellectual tweaking of a bit of irony from time 
to time, but I've enjoyed the depth of conversation on several topics over 
the last month or two, and I find the sarcasm dismissive and disrespectful.

Assign only the noblest of motives to your opponent, keep up the debate, and 
thank you.
Bob Davis

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