Rear Duplex Bars on Steinways:

John Musselwhite
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:53:22 -0600

At 12:48 AM 11/05/03 -0400, Greg wrote:

>Ron and David,
>         Well guys, you are most certainly not alone. I'm just finishing 
> up an action, damper, and lyre rebuild job on a "D". Since I used all 
> Renner parts I wonder if the college I'm doing this for would mind 
> terribly if I scraped all the Steinway decals off?

I'm sure they would!

I think the only time this really becomes a sticky issues is if you 
heavily-modify a Steinway piano, then sell it as a "genuine Steinway" when 
it isn't. If you have to go to court to defend it then you need to be 

As has been said before, simply glue a sticker you've printed up to the 
inside or to a beam stating the changes that have been made and your rear 
end is covered no matter what. It's simple and future owners/tuners will 
appreciate it.


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
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