Tuning pin tightners RH% sorta OT

Nichols nicho@zianet.com
Mon, 12 May 2003 20:18:11 -0600

At 03:45 PM 5/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>You mean there is actually someplace with humidity that low???????
>Coming from Houston, of course! :-)

Yeah, yeah, Avery. Youse guys just let water lay around on the ground over 
there. We're in the midst of a severe drought, and usually only get 9 
inches of rain a year. Last year was 4.  Snow pack will have to be three 
times normal for three years just to get back to normal.

Meanwhile, I just got back to the shop and the humidifier had run out. (Big 
mistake)  18% at 90°. Oh well.


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