Tue, 13 May 2003 10:58:28 EDT

Et Al;
 A very interesting thread with, as usual, mannnnyyyy different opinions.
 I wonder if the details really matter to someone other than ourselves 
though? Don't we generally tell our customers that the main things to look 
for in a piano are: 
1. Do you like the looks?
2. Do you like the sound?
3. Do you like the feel?
 If that is the case, and a rewhatevered piano meets those criteria, does it 
reallllly make a difference as to what was done to the thingee??? Put another 
way...if you had two indentical pianos, both rewhatevered, and had one 
labeled as using hammer felt from Longhorn Sheep with the other labeled as 
using hammer felt from Hereford Sheep would the distinction between the two 
matter to the customer???? Or would the tone from each be the deciding 
 I sometime think we attribute too much significance to the things we do in 
our trade that really do not matter to any but ourselves and other 
techs............ in other words we tend to place undue significance to 
mundane choices and thingees that add to the total effect of our finished 
  That being said...conversations such as this thread can only be helpful in 
causing us to think about what we do and the effects it will have on us, our 
peers and most of all our customers....
My view.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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