Why I love to hate Petrofs

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Tue, 13 May 2003 18:03:54 +0200


Couldn't resist telling you these two stories.

1st story

The local Yamaha / Schimmel dealer has just been to Petrof these past
months and had agreed to market their pianos. So... the first small
grand arrives and its taken out of the box... nice shinny black high
gloss finish... the legs and lyre unpacked and put on and... WAIT !!!
the legs and lyre are walnut brown.  Ok.. they got the high gloss right.
Ya gotta just love it.

2nd story

This Petrof 9 footer  I am working on,... I just sent a picture of the
key with top and bottom plate ..... well.. the top plate... which is
really like this very long key button... is put on 2, almost 3 mm
forward of the center of the Balance rail hole... and half the keys are
such that the mortise itself is too thin to far up in the key so the
keys strain against the balance rail pins when you depress the key.

Sigh... the darn thing feels like a mack truck on a cobblestone road. I
get paid by the hour fortunately :)



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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