No Power Yamaha revisited

Richard Brekne
Tue, 13 May 2003 23:48:05 +0200 wrote:

> I still wonder about the keyframe bedding.  Yamaha's have those "hidden"
> glide buttons, usually under the middle of the bass and the middle of  the
> middle sections. Are you sure those are in contact? They can't be reached
> from the top side.

I've been through the bedding process as many times and in as many ways as I can
think of. And I cant seem to get the balance rail to move a bit when I try
forcing it by various methods, and no hammer movement wherever I push on it.
I've also tried slinking a thin screwdriver and push on the back rail to see
what happens... nothing.

I can get this same hammer movement by either blocking the hammer and pressing
the key, or by lifting up on the hammer rail with my fingers. Rail definantly
moves. It also moved on the Young Chang.. but not as much. And as I said... the
other two instruments I checked didnt show any such movement no matter what I

Seems like the only two rails that would really be under pressure would be the
balance rail and the hammer rail... or what ?

Thanks Ed.


Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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