Today's Mystery - String Gone Flat

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 13 May 2003 21:54:14 -0500

>The only thing I can figure is something like the string was not seated 
>well on the hitch pin (or maybe a bridge pin) and had been close to moving 
>for years, and the added tension after the pitch raise made the string 
>closer to readjusting on the hitch pin, and finally it did and the string 
>went flat. That's all I can speculate. Anyone else?
>Terry Farrell

I don't believe hitch pin, unless it's breaking or coming out of the plate. 
String seating at hitch, no. Seating on bridge, no way. Coil most likely, 
but that's usually only one string and up to a half semitone. If the string 
isn't walking out of the becket (or breaking in slow motion), and the hitch 
pin isn't on the verge of letting go and flying up your nose, it's probably 
over now and will never show up again. Pull it back up and see what happens.

Ron N

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