Pretty Vile Crud--Eliminating a.k.a. PVC-E
Wed, 14 May 2003 19:33:46 -0500

Don't get me wrong; I love this stuff. But what will work to clean up little
smudges of this stuff that have dried on plastic keytops, don't want to
scratch the top by scraping.

By the way, I have a new favorite way of gluing on plastic sharps: Thin coat
of PVC-E on the wood and a drop of medium thick CA under each end of the
sharp. Gives a little bit of set-up time to let you adjust the position of
the sharp but sets up well with no clamping. Joint seems very secure.

Regarding my question above, however, there is no CA mixed in those smudges,
they were from gluing on the white tops.

Alan Barnard
Smudging Away in Salem, MO

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