Pretty Vile Crud--Eliminating a.k.a. PVC-E
Wed, 14 May 2003 19:48:21 -0500

Thanks. I'm not sure that removing the klutsy-klumsies from any of my
procedures is really possible, but I take your point.

Actually, I have found a helpful thing (after doing this job). I got a small
plastic bottle from the health & beauty section of my local China-mart
store. It has a pull up spout, like water, sport, and fruit drink bottles
have. I can dispense a pretty controlled line or drop of PVC-E with
this--much better than I was doing using a glue brush to dip it out of a
container--and the glue doesn't dry up and clog the opening. Very nice.

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: Pretty Vile Crud--Eliminating a.k.a. PVC-E

> But what will work to clean up little
> smudges of this stuff that have dried on plastic keytops, don't want to
> scratch the top by scraping.

First, work out your procedure so that there isn't any to get on the tops.
Otherwise, I just rub it off with my finger and it comes off like a real
strong rubber cement. Water will also soften it, I think.

Ed Foote RPT
 <A HREF=""> Six Degrees of Tonality</A>
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