Rear Perplex Bars on Steinways:

Bill Ballard
Fri, 16 May 2003 00:26:36 -0400

At 12:00 AM -0700 5/15/03, Robin Hufford wrote:
>As you note above there is no common experience of the sound of a 
>piano for the
>contributors to this list, which,of course I agree with.  In view of 
>this fact,
>that is that we are reduced to words, not the perception of sound, 
>it behooves
>all to be moderate in claims of superiority of deficiency as these 
>are only words
>indeed.  Yet with all due to respect to them, I have seen no such 
>moderation on
>the part of those advocating the virtues of redesign.

Proof is in the pudding. Bear in mind that the same digital world 
where we meet and where the pudding is unavailable could just as 
easily support the contention that the statements you refer to are to 
be accepted at face value (assuming of course, one's opinions of the 
re-designers making these statements). With only a text description 
of the pudding, all we have to go on is our inclination to believe 
the cooks. That comes down to a personal judgement. Not a matter to 
criticize, we're all human here. But by the same token not a matter 
to overlook.

>I don't want to beat a dead
>horse and continue on this thread but this, along with condemnation of any
>alternative, seems inescapably the case.

Dead horse beater are easily to spot: they rarely do it in private. 
<g> Actually the village Animal Control Officer doesn't mind 4-5K of 
horse-canery. It's when it runs on for 10-15K of text that They are 
obliged to step in. Similar to shaking the last few drops out in the 
Mens' Room.

But everyone's got their "dark, lonely job but someone's got to do 
it". I've always been on the lookout for newbies who gave no sign 
that they had any other source of piano exerience besides this list. 
And I've had to apologize for it.

At 9:30 PM -0500 1/17/03, Bill Ballard wrote:
>But Charles, just as you know alot more about replacement wire 
>stocks now, I know alot more about you now. As for me, I've got a 
>well-documented e-trail of attitudes on this list. In this community 
>in the list, just think of me as the large stray mutt on the front 
>lawn who growls and barks when people walk up the front walk.

At 12:00 AM -0700 5/15/03, Robin Hufford wrote:
>By the way this is a most refreshing slogan attached below, which when I first
>saw it recently, was a real blast of fresh air, droll humor  and 
>very, very funny,
>as it is now.

Lenny Bruce, "Interviews of Our Time" Fantasy 7001 (long out of 
print). It also has the fabulous Shorty Pederstein interview. I hope 
your humor is doing well. Back to nuts and bolts.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Schumann wrote in spurts, composing an incredible amount, then 
writing nothing for a stretch. While Clara was away from home giving 
concerts, Schumann was completely unable to compose."
     ...........A "Junior Scholastic" profile of Robert Schumann. 
(Say, if Robert was unable to get any composing done when he was on 
kid duty, how come his wife had no problem preparing her programs 
while looking after the six kids in that household?)

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