M.Mus program

Bradley M. Snook bradley@rice.edu
Fri, 16 May 2003 12:07:47 -0500

Patrick Draine:
> As part of your signature on recent pianotech postings you identify
> yourself as an MA candidate in a piano technology program at Rice.
> Could you expound further on the program?

Sure, it is actually a Master of Music (M.Mus) program in Piano Technology,
which implies that there is a much lager emphasis on performance over a MA
degree; it also implies that it is a "professional" degree instead of a
"research" degree. I am not sure how old the program is, but I am pretty
sure that it has been around for at least 10 years.

It is a 2 year program:
Piano Technology (4 semesters)
Tuning Lessons (4 semesters)
Applied Piano Lessons (4 semesters)
Large Ensemble (4 semesters)
Piano Pedagogy (2 semesters)
Piano Literature
Theory VI
Comprehensive Practicum in Piano Technology
Electives (6 semester hours)

This school has unbelievably high standards; the music history and theory
entrance exams were a grueling 5 hours long! Then there were the ear
training exams and the piano proficiency exams. If you have deficiencies in
any of these areas, then you need to add that on to your required
coursework. The tuition and fees for the next school year come to just over
$20,000, but that is still far cheaper that the other top ivy league

Bradley M. Snook
Graduate Student in Piano Technology (M.Mus)
Rice University, Shepherd School of Music

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