Action Geometry Consistency

Bradley M. Snook
Fri, 16 May 2003 14:47:55 -0500

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RicB: "Yes, you should. And its no big deal to do so really. A good set =
of pinchers applied neatly at the knuckle core and you can pop them =
right out. Just make sure you keep track of which way the nap of the =
leather is going. Reglue carefully to line up better then you started =
out with. You see this all the time, and out of place or angle knuckles =
can really affect the ratio big time. Improving this kind of thing not =
only can help drastically the problem you mention, but also make for =
much more consistent leverage and play."

OK, this kind of thing is what I was really after . . . I'll give this a =
try sometime today. One thing though: I should probably line up the =
flange side of the knuckle (instead of the hammer side), is that right?

Richard, you had also talked about looking at the wippen height. Have =
you every bolstered the knuckles to compensate for the unevenness in the =
wippen height?=20

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