Off topic-vibration

Classic Touch Ent
Fri, 16 May 2003 21:30:43 -0400

Dear list beings,

I was reminded today of an experience which some of you might want to 
check out. It's an 'unconventional'  type of massage based on gentle 
rocking motions of 'isolated' parts of the body. The method ( Traeger 
massage) was developed by Malcolm Traeger who believed that we are all 
born in a state of internal vibration and flexibility which we lose 
over time by 'reigning in' (among other things) the way we carry our 
bodies. The Traeger therapist gently rocks various body parts in 
succession, briefly pausing in between the rocking intervals. During 
the pauses the 'subject' experiences a 'sympatico' vibration (even 
though the rocking motion has stopped) which tends to intensify as the 
session progresses and which I can only describe as feeling like 
becoming a human 'tuning fork'.

My session always leaves me very relaxed and yet 'stimulated' or 
'alert'.  hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................

Since the people on 'the list' are daily focused on issues relating to 
the transmission of vibrations I thought you might like to know.

...and no, I am not a Traeger therapist (nor married to, nor related 
to, nor trying to drum up business for one).

Best, Rich Olmsted

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