John Travolta, and the demise of the American piano industry.

Tom Driscoll
Sat, 17 May 2003 22:20:34 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of gordon stelter
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 6:14 PM
To: Pianotech
Subject: John Travolta, and the demise of the American piano industry.

Dearest Tom,
     In case you did not notice, my comment was what
is commonly referred to as a "Joke".  But I remain
curious as to why, exactly, both automobile and piano
manufacture in America took a precipitously sharp
decline in quality in the 1970's???  
"Saturday Night Fever" is the most plausible
explanation to have occurred to me, as of yet, and I
observed it infect many of my friends not fortunate
enough to take refuge in a profession such as ours!
     This easily observable decline in quality then
made us simple prey for overseas manufacturers, and we
are today running the worst trade deficit in U.S.
history, as its aftermath.  Economically, this means
that U.S. cash piles up in nations such as China,
which then loan it back to us, at interest, as the
"National Debt".
     With Bush's tax cuts, that interest will soon
pile up so that it is all we can do just to keep up
with it, and we will not be able to put even a dent in
the principle. And we will then be beholden to
"Communist" china. 
     I know that the Chinese are kind, generous, and
truly lovely people, but I someghow find this

	Revisionism raised to a new level! 
	 The leap to an expression of your Geo-Political-Economic
theories escapes me.
	You disparage a group of people and accuse me of not getting the
"joke". You have raised "tiresome" to the Bremmie level.
	Tom Driscoll RPT
	P.S. Sign your real name please--List etiquette 

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