Tilter -- making your own.

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Sun, 18 May 2003 00:57:56 -0500

A tilter is easy to make.  Say you want it 24 inches high.  That
then is the radius of the circle.  Draw it out on plywood with a
24 inch string.  (good dimension since plywood is 48"wide and you
need two sides.)   Forget about other curves (like parabolic or
any of the other curves of the conic sections) for this homemade
tilter.  Just keep it simple with two by fours for the long and
upright pieces.  If you put on double wheeled rubber castors that
will raise it two more  inches and make it really mobile in the
    The problem with tilters is that the  "catches", "lips" or
"forks" or
what ever they are called, cannot be on the bottom of the tilter,
they must be up almost an inch.  This is because the castors can
start to spin out before the catches engage.  To ensure the piano
will tilt with out this happening, place it (the piano) on two by
fours so the casters are off the ground. Just make sure they never
touch the ground when you are tilting.  If the casters ever touch
the ground when you tilt, you risk the piano running off the
tilter and the subsequent mess 600 lbs makes when skewing across
the floor.
     If you make longer catches that contact the trap board there
 is a lot of strain on them.  (you can put a stick 3/4 by 3/4 inch
 the length of the piano to ease these long catches).
    If you need to carry the tilter to the site, the foldable
steel  one from the supply houses is the most expedient.  Still
though a good wooden tilter is always needed in the shop if only
to free up your expensive "tailor made" tilter.   I will be happy
to share plans, experiences and ideas for wooden tilters on the
pianotech chats.  Hopefully jpgs too.    Hmmm perhaps a Journal
article also?  I am bowled over by the illustrations of John
Hartman in the Journal.  To see my tilter illustrated by him---and
to think I would get paid rather than having to pay him---we would
both get paid---talk about a win-win situation.   : )   Hey its
Saturday night, the night of big dreams and grand illusions.

    Richard Moody   aka   ric  on the chats.....

    "Dig the well before you are thirsty"   Old Chinese proverb

----- Original Message -----
From: <Alltypetune@aol.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Tilter; Was ca glue as pin tightener (TILTER)

> If anyone gets the tilter that hasn't had one, the will most
certainly wonder
> why they waited so long. It pays for itself on the first tilt.
The only
> concern is making sure the forks are secure under the piano, the
tilter is
> centered, and go easy.
> Ron
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