Aeolian Player___Steinway 1926

Wayne R. Lutzow
Sun, 18 May 2003 09:11:41 -0700


This is a large file of photos and I was instructed by Kent the group
moderater to send the large amount of info in a file called
because the regular protocol won't handle large files. He then sends it to
another location which makes it available on the newsgroup.

I have done that (Kent liked the pictures) and he has made them available
(although FORBIDDEN) on the newsgroup...

Don't know why they're doing that...

I'll contact Kent...

Wrkn' on it...

Wayne Lutzow
Lincoln, CA

> It is possible to make these players very nearly
> silent. If I wasn't "Forbidden" to see your
> attachments, I would be glad to make a visual
> assessment of the work done.
>     Thump

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