Wapin Bridge

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sun, 18 May 2003 19:11:09 +0200

We have lots of stuff in the archives about this one. It aparently does
increase sustain, some say at no cost to power. Whether or not one wishes to
view this as an enhancement or not is another question. The only research I
have heard tale of is the research done by the Wapin people themselves.



David Love wrote:

> Can anyone explain to me what the principle of the Wapin Bridge is?  After
> reading so many posts on bridge design and function, I'm wondering what
> kind of design could make such a difference.  Is there any real research to
> support the claims of increased or enhanced tonality?
> David Love
> davidlovepianos@earthlink.net
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Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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