Aftertouch, WAS Re: Action Geometry Consistency

Bill Ballard
Sun, 18 May 2003 18:53:44 -0400

>At 3:01 PM -0500 5/16/03, Avery Todd wrote:
>>I don't understand this. The aftertouch is "part" of the dip. It 
>>sounds like you're regulating
>>them independently!
>I sure am. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread (and I can 
>support that claim <g>)

No, I'm not. While I may rough in dip earlier in the regulation or 
rebuilding, when I do aftertouch, it's using he same FR punchings 
which help to define dip. Aftertouch is set and dip doesn't get 
corrected. (In my approach, why should it.) The regulating is 
independent to the extent that dip and aftertouch are set at two 
separate times, thew priority given to aftertouch means that, while 
aftertouch is not dependant on dip, what dip ends up being depends on 
the regulation of aftertouch.

I can still support the claim that this is the greatest thing since 
sliced bread.

Thanks, everyone, for not reading this post too closely.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"A jester unemployed is nobody's fool."
     ...........Danny Kaye, in "The Court Jester"

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