Off topic-vibration

Richard Brekne
Mon, 19 May 2003 08:54:33 +0200

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David Lawson wrote:

> How did this guy get on to our web site? That's all we need, floggers to
> waist our time. P Off Mate!
> Classic Touch Ent wrote:

Personally, I'd rather like to see reactions like the above one disappear.
Inflammatory, unnecessary, and easily as  << wastefull>>, if not more, of
our time as the posting it refers to.

It is possible to actually send a polite note to a person expressing ones
concerns over inappropriate postings, instead of jumping all over the fellow
in public. This fellow is new to our list, and has already contributed with
several interesting questions and observations. Off the wall OT posts are
part of the game from time to time.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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