Bass String Length Equality

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 19 May 2003 11:20:13 -0500

>I knew I should have sent this to you/Del privately. Egg on my face. 
>Amazing what you can learn by just rebuilding one piano. Amazing what you 
>did not know while rebuilding it. Amazing what seemed like the only way to 
>do it, later seems so obviously stupid.

Remember I told you I had approached my MC gage design inside out, and it 
became obvious to me how I should have started it, just as I was finishing 
up. I've heard that eventually goes away... Perfection is sometimes 
achieved, but only by rumor or posthumously.

> > or did you notch
> > perpendicular to the strings?
>I'll give you one guess. Let's see how bright you really are!

Parallel is definitely out. Must be perpendicular.

> > If the top bridge is wood, I'd make a new one
> > to accommodate the notches in the lower bridge.
>It's not wood, but rather just the simple ridge on the cast iron plate 
>with the steel pins. Hey! I just bought a grinder!!!!!

Get away from there! Better to eat a couple of hours and recap.

>Yes it is the M&H, and yes I want to make it as clean as is (reasonably) 


>Oh shoot. What a dipstick. I actually did think to make the notch the same 
>way as the top termination - but that thought withered away - or maybe it 
>was fogged out by all the other confusion.

It's hard to keep track of twenty three interconnected things when you're 
mired in the mind numbing tedium of producing number seven. Notching kills 
brain cells anyway, so be careful. When things seem to be rolling along 
just fine, I tend to stop and ask myself "Ok, what am I doing wrong?"

Ron N

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