Wapin Bridge

PetersRPT@aol.com PetersRPT@aol.com
Tue, 20 May 2003 18:53:52 EDT

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The web site has been redesigned recently, and there is not as much there as 
what there use to be.  I believe that Michael Wathen has some things he wants 
to put on the site, as soon as he gets time.  There are no pictures 
currently?    If anyone wants a picture, I can probably send one.  I think 
that is allowed:)

The only restrictions are that you have to pay a license fee for each 
installation, and you can't disclose installation procedures.  You have to 
sign an agreement to such.  Is that so bad?  

I have done seven installations, and in every case thought that it was well 
worth the price. The last installation  was on a 1913 Behr Bros. grand, which 
was all original except for new bass strings.  It is being used as the second 
piano for a concert series in a church.   I had filed the hammers and 
regulated the action last fall.  I finished the wapin job a couple of weeks 
ago, just before a recital for  two pianos.  It was very well recieved.  The 
music director at the church, among others , was extremely happy.  He now 
wants to have the first concert next season be a two piano recital.     There 
was also a piano teacher who attended the recital who now wants wapin on his 
piano.  He was impressed.  All in all, it was a very nice experience. 

Roy Peters, RPT

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