Letoff rack needed

Piannerman@aol.com Piannerman@aol.com
Tue, 20 May 2003 21:06:49 EDT

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Anybody have an opinion of which letoff rack to buy?  (For the money)  I 
don't do a lot of regulating but occasionally have the need for a decent rack 
of some sort.  Schaff has a "Jaras #907" for $93 that does other stuff and 
looks nice but I really only need some way to set the letoff right now and 
$93 sounds a little pricey to me.

I could make some sort of homemade job, I guess, but I need it soon and don't 
have a lot of spare time to spend on making something.  So, anybody know a 
better deal through some other supplier?  Thanks for any info.

Charles Cron
Rockfield, KY 

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