Letoff rack needed

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Wed, 21 May 2003 06:08:25 -0500


>Bill makes, in my opinion, well thought-out tech tools. I personally don't
>own one of his let-off devides, but if it's a Spurlock, then rest assured
>it's well-made and well thought out.
>I still use the Jaras let-off tool myself, but I have a few Spurlock tools,
>and they're all good for their intended design.
>..I haven't been on a tool-buying spree in awhile..maybe....................!
>-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

Ditto the Rook's assessment of Spurlock tools, and I, too, am still using 
the Jaras 5 in 1.

It seems to me that concerns of time and money were expressed in the 
original post on this subject (long since deleted from my computer).  The 
absolutely cheapest method is to make your own.   Many years ago, in a land 
far, far away, I made one before getting a store bought one.  While crude 
looking, it does work.   Assuming you have a band (or even a coping) saw, 
all you need is about an 18" square of 1/2" plywood and miscellaneous 
screws, nuts and bolts - many of which you probably already have salvaged 
from old pianos.

{Yes, I _am_ part Scot.) ;-}


Conrad Hoffsommer
Decorah, IA

So many chocolates; so little time.

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