My tirade?

Joseph Garrett
Wed, 21 May 2003 15:16:21 -0700

That was not meant as a tirade. Sorry you took it that way. I was talking
about gauling threads, in general, and was not commenting on the key upstop
rail/prop nuts, specifically. If in certain actions, a
nut/screw/bolt/whatever is constantly coming loose, it some times requires a
different approach. There are many kinds of LocTite, some which will
slightly "snug" the culprit and you'll still be able to to take it loose at
a later time, without the need for blasting powder!<G> If I'm not mistaken,
LocTite is a type of CA.
As for my needing a nap....I'm fully rested and up to my neck in shop work
today, which is going well. Your perception that I'm a bit crabby, lends me
to believe you may be a bit, today.<G> (Or at least a bit hypersensitive,
Best Regards
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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