HOLD THE PHONE CENTRAL.... something very wrong

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Thu, 22 May 2003 20:42:13 +0200

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What kind of a connection to the internett do you have ? If you are
connected all the time, then perhaps you've been raided and somebody is
playing a very nasty trick on you. Probably quite beyond the mental
proweress of the average piano tech as well I might add. I think you
have to be under 17 years old, wear funny glasses, and eat some of those
new fangeled drugs to qualify for that club.

If you have a ring up connection, then I would look a bit closer to home
for your answer. Somebody who has physical access to your machine.

All that being said. I have had a few strange notes sent to me and <<
from me >> with very authentic PTG addresses included. I even got a
failed delivery notice from my service provider for a note I didnt send
and a return note from the PTG list rejecting a note sent from my
broadpark address that I never sent. Both of these had a known virus
attached it seems.

Anyways... firewalls....   ZoneLab is a good one. Make sure your virus
control softeware is up to date, dont leave your machine on if you are
away for more then a short time, good puter maintanance otherwise....
dont store any important passwords on your hard disk.... you know the
rest.... more you cant do.



Robert Goodale wrote:

> OKAY, CLARIFY FOR ME...Something beyond weird just happened... This
> morning I just downloaded my e-mail.   Including was a barrage of
> nasty grams.  All of these were addressed as being sent from
> pianotech.  Most were from a specific person on the list who I will
> not mention to protect the potentially innocent.  Coupled with that
> were duplicates galore of messages that I had posted long ago but
> never "re-sent" to the list at any time.  As I'm reading these the
> re-sent messages along with today's messages magically disappeared out
> of my in-box before my eyes.  I checked the out box, sent box, inbox
> repeatedly and ALL of them are gone!  I only got to actually a couple
> of them before this happened. Something very wrong here.  Either
> someone on the list is looking for trouble or my computer and/or
> network is seriously screwed.  I have a little program that searches
> for files deleted from the recycle bin, (i.e. directories erased from
> the HD), and it wasn't able to locate them either.  It's as if they
> never existed.  Am I going crazy? Can someone please confirm- did
> everyone else receive dozens of past e-mails from me, if so did they
> magically disappear later, and if not then who is being a
> tooner-pooper?  I sent no repeat messages, my last was a couple days
> ago regarding the model number location on a Conover
> grand. ????????????????  Rob Goodale, RPTLas Vegas, NV

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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