Bechstein Soundboard replacement

Richard Brekne
Thu, 22 May 2003 20:47:18 +0200

Hi folks:

Took some pictures of the Bechstein B we have.... left the camera at school, but I might go back this evening to get it.

No buttons anywhere tho. Nice sounding instrument as well. Maybe all that under/over/inthere engineering is kinda climate dependant....


Stéphane Collin wrote:

> Hello all.
> All Bechstein pianos I have seen have this tropicalization feature (button under the soundboard and screw upside), but those from before 1880, who don't have this feature.
> On one that I have seen (from before 1880), there were no screws nor buttons, but someone in the piano's life thought that screws would secure his soundboard cracks repair.  This appeared not to be true, as, as Ron stated, the screws didn't avoid the repaired cracks from opening again.
> Also, many of those I have seen don't have crown in the soundboard.  Though, they sound pretty well.
> Regards
> Stéphane Collin.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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