spinet octaves

Patrick C.Poulson pcpoulso@pacbell.net
Thu, 22 May 2003 11:46:21 -0700

Charles: Tuning a spinet is always problematical.  You didn't say if there
was a specific area that gave you the most trouble, but I find that getting
octaves to work going down into the bass to be the area where the most
compromise is necessary. I find that narrow bass octaves work the best to my
ear, a slightly wide 4:2 being the best at eliminating excessive beating.
Usually it seems that we do the best we can and accept that on such a low
end piano you're not going to get high end results. Most spinet owners are
happy just to have it sound musical.
Patrick C. Poulson
Registered Piano Technician
Piano Technicians Guild

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