OT (was RE: HOLD THE PHONE CENTRAL.... something very wrong

Keith McGavern kam544@gbronline.com
Fri, 23 May 2003 11:08:24 -0500

>At 11:07 AM -0400 5/23/03, Tom Driscoll wrote:
>... P.S. Please observe list etiquette and sign your full name.


I've noticed you seem to insist this be done more than once, but 
seemingly only towards Gordon Stetler.

Now I don't necessarily care for the moniker Thump probably anymore 
than you do, but if signing one's "full" name is really the issue, 
then there's a few more persons on the list you need to target as 
well, just so someone won't get the idea it's a personal vendetta 
towards one individual.

You can start with me if you'd like, or maybe you could let it go. 
After all, his name is in the header, just like mine is.

Just sharing some observations that caught my attention as others do 
on the list from time to time.


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