Piano Rebuilding Shop Update

Robert Goodale rrg@unlv.edu
Fri, 23 May 2003 09:33:59 -0700

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Howdy all,

It's been a long and slow process and I haven't mentioned it for a while =
so I thought I'd post an update.  Our new shop is coming along =
beautifully, (2,000 SqFt).  We are paying for it via cash so it has been =
a slow-go project.  Alas the light at the end of the tunnel is shining =
very brightly.

Within the last month we finished the framing, raised the trusses, put =
up the wall sheeting including a couple sheer walls, laid the roof =
sheeting, and installed the windows and doors.  I hope to complete the =
roof shingles, skylights, and gable vents over the holiday weekend.  I =
have had several stucco guys out bidding including one this morning and =
will get that wrapped up, (no pun intended), within the next couple of =
weeks.  My electrician will also be out next week to run the conduit and =
install the breaker panel.  I'm doing the interior electrical myself and =
he'll come back to double check my work.  Then it's insulation and dry =
wall followed by the interior fixtures and a roll-up door.

Whew, what a mountain of work!  about 85% of this has been done by yours =
truly and associates.  By definition an owner/builder project.  With the =
exception of the grading, concrete slab, (we set the forms), the stucco, =
and some of the electrical, we have done all of it ourselves.  Of course =
it's really handy to have a brother-in-law who is an experienced =
builder/framer.  Our Vegas weather is heating up too so completion will =
be none to soon.

I'll try to post some pictures soon.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

$$$ thousands $$$ went into the architecture and structural engineering, =
a process that anyone who wants to build a shop would be required to do =
for proper building permits.  The building is specifically designed for =
piano rebuilding including a separate dust-free room for action work and =
an office.  If anyone is serious about building a shop I am seriously =
considering offering copies of the complete structural engineered plans =
for a yet to be determined fee.  This could save you major dollars and =
time.  A local structural engineer in your area would still need to =
review and stamp them for possible minor revisions for your local codes =
but that probably wouldn't cost much.  Certainly far less than starting =
from scratch!

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