No Power Yamaha revisited

Bill Ballard
Fri, 23 May 2003 20:03:43 -0400

At 07:50 AM 5/23/2003 -0400, Roger Jolly <> wrote:
>>This is interesting. And what kind of a tone are you listening for 
>>"when lifting up on the hammer rail, and thumping down on the 
>>balance rail"? What are you doing that will produce a tone? Playing 
>>a key? Will lifting on the hammer rail somehow make a sound?
>>Terry Farrell
>Thump! Thump!  Thump!

Terry, try this. There are three separate sound to be heard from 
tapping on the top of the glide bolt stem. One, with the glide in 
direct contact with the keybed, two, when the glide bolt is slightly 
off the bed but close enough (think mils) that a finger tap on the 
bolt stem will get it to close the gap, and three, when the bolt is 
far enough off the bed that the finger tap won't close the gap, ie, 
the tap is never conveyed to the keybed.

This can be done with all keys and the stack on. No need to 
disassemble, no need to assume what it'll sound like reassembled. 
Just remove the shipping rail, and back the prop nuts up so that you 
can use them as lift points. If you're confused between sound #1 and 
#2, just lift up slightly on the prop nuts. Confused between #2 and 
#3, lift up further. Hint: #2 two lasts only a brief instant, maybe 
just 15º in the glide.

You'll be a regular Thumpbellina in no time.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes time and annoys the pig."    
     ...........Sign on the wall of a college voice teacher's studio.

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