No Power Yamaha revisited

Richard Brekne
Sat, 24 May 2003 10:55:23 +0200

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Ron Overs wrote:

> At 12:26 PM +0200 23/5/03, Richard Brekne wrote:
>> Yes... this is the proceedure I've been using for nigh on 20 years
>> now. Ever Since Laroy's first visit to Oslo. And as I have said, it
>> generally has worked well, but recently I have run into 3
>> instruments where this was not enough. This proceedure left the
>> keyframe bedded, with all glide bolts in contact with the frame...

Sorry Ron... last word in this snipped paragraph should have been
"keybed". I hope that clears up any confusion.

>  (?)
>>  but there was lots of lost power, and lots of neighbor hammer
>> bobbing on hard blows,
>  "Bobbing [adjacent] hammers" is a clear indication that not all glide
> bolts were accurately adjusted.

They were all regulated such that each was just barely in contact with
the bed. And as accurately so as you could ever desire. The problem was
that they were not putting enough pressure on the keybed so the key
frame was not put under enough << tension >> as Roger puts it.

Thanks for your interesting proceedure tho.

And thanks to all you folks out there for the responses this thread has
generated. Its amazing how easy it is to miss such an important detail
in any such process we do. I'd always been under the impression that
glide bolts were supposed to be at minimal contact. Obviously, its not
just a matter of all glide bolts evenly touching the bed after all...
its also a matter of how much pressure they put on the bed given the
flex characteristics of any given action. I definantly shoulda picked up
on this one years ago... :)  Live an learn.

Thanks again one and all.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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