Bass bridge puzzler
Sun, 25 May 2003 09:42:52 EDT

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In a message dated 5/25/03 7:50:35 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> We are looking at some possibilities:  1.  I used the entire length of the 
> new pin into the wood, did it weaken the bridge along its length?  Did the 
> pins drive in too tightly starting the split?   Was there a flaw in the wood?  
> I havn't seen it yet, so will examine.  Should I use smaller diameter pins 
> next time?  Should they be angled more toward the center (each other) at the 
> bottom of the bridge?  Was there a design flaw in the original bridge we are 
> repeating?  
>    Any ideas?  HELP !  
>    Mike Kurta


I haven't done too many bridges, but I wonder if there is too much side 
bearing. To make sure there is just enough, but not too much, set the pins along 
the string line. In other words, before drilling the holes in the bridge, attach 
the new bridge to the piano, and put the strings on. Draw a line on either 
side of the string, and drill the holes, (with corresponding angles, of course) 
in between the lines. If the pins are put in the same line as the string, 
there will be enough offset for side bearing.


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