No Power Yamaha Experiment.

Roger Jolly
Sun, 25 May 2003 14:43:17 -0600

>  Its really quite amazing the difference in
>play/sound/power you can achieve by adjusting up or down these glide 
>bolts. And
>there seems to be a certain range of settings withing what is acceptable solid
>bedding. Obvioiusly I have a new play tool :)
>Richard Brekne

Hi ric,
            I think the best place for most practical reasons, is mid point 
between just bedded and just starting to move the front rail.
This gives a good safety margin for humidity swings.   For performance 
regulation, then, I will continue to push the window.
I have always been anally retentive with bedding, but this thread has got 
me re thinking with regards to soft wood frames.

I know that Leroy is aware of all the variables in this area,  but when 
teaching a class you have to come up with a standard that will work for 
almost every one.
Tech's are often looking for a simple magic bullet to cure all ill's.   If 
you find one let me know.  No Black and White answers in this 
business,  just a lot of passion.

What I do day to day, and what I will teach, and preach, is often very 
different.  The old adage, "A little knowledge is very dangerous thing." is 
very true.

Regards Roger 

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