Comrades ...

Joseph Garrett
Mon, 26 May 2003 14:47:03 -0700

"Schraffed Bass Strings", IMO, is a BS term. I was told it is German, but I
have not been able to find it in any German Dictionary! The literal
translation is: I'm going to put this term on a set of strings, that will
make me think, (and actually have to do some work), therefore I'm going to
charge an exorbitant price!"
For reputable, conscientious string makers, I recommend: Ari Isaac or J.D.
Grandt. Both are in Canada. They are able to make strings from a "Scale
Sheet" without screwing things up and not adding their own "theories" to the
mix. I'm sad to say they are the only ones! :-(  The cost from these string
makers is slightly more than the "regular price" of State-side makers, but
the consistency and workmanship are worth it, IMO! Time/turnaround is about
the same.
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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