Thanks, Dad!
Mon, 26 May 2003 21:04:08 -0500

1st, The mystery:

Refinishing my piano, 1920 Geo. Steck (un petit piano à queue).

Removing felt insert from each of the two pieces that are the end boards of
the music shelf assembly (upon which the desk/shelf slides in and out).

Soaked in water/wallpaper remover. One popped right out. The other tore to
shreds and wouldn't budge.

Why would these behave so differently when both are originals and everything
looked identical? Never mind, I don't really care. It's just one of those
weird things that make life interesting.

2nd The discovery:

Dad was no "Tim, the Tool Man" but I inherited what he had. For some odd
reason, he owned a large, heavy-duty electric soldering iron. I grabbed that
sucker, got it hot, ran it up and down that soggy channel till I could smell
hot, 85-year-old wool and was then able to remove the felt--still not
easily. (Wish I'd thought of the iron before I picked at the felt so much.)

3rd The question:

What is a source for this kind of felt? The pieces were 1 1/8" wide, a
little thicker than thick key bushing cloth, but not as thick as spring rail

The only thing Schaff lists that might work is a piece of thick, uncut
nameboard felt.

Alan Barnard
Steaming Sheep in Salem, MO

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