Backchecking Height

Dave Nereson
Tue, 27 May 2003 02:02:41 -0600

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Bradley M. Snook=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:08 AM
  Subject: Backchecking Height

  Does anyone have a method for regulating the height of backchecking so =
  the results are very even?

  Bradley M. Snook
  Graduate Student in Piano Technology (M.Mus)
  Rice University, Shepherd School of Music

  pianotech list info:

  Well, a lot of other stuff has to be in good shape and well regulated, =
namely the whole action, but especially key height and key dip;  and =
then let-off and repetition spring strength to a lesser extent.  =
Backchecks have to be aligned to hammer tails, the backcheck angle has =
to be uniform, etc.   Variations in pinning of the hammer flanges will =
have an effect.  It's easier to attain in a newer action than an old =
one, usually.  But even, consistent backchecking is one of the results =
of a well-regulated action
      --David Nereson, RPT

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