The basics of tuning
Tue, 27 May 2003 10:04:55 EDT

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Here are my questions:

1) Do you have any suggestions for books discussing piano tuning from 
the bottom up? I'm sort of looking for a "tuning for dummies", as 
well as a more advanced book discussing tuning, intonation and 
mechanical action. Right now, I am able to count beat waves, tune 
unisons and to correct individual tones in between regular tunings by 
my technician, but I would like to know a lot more about tuning 
technique and tuning schemes. (Don't worry - I would not expose my 
Steinway to my far-from-perfect tuning skills, I have other 
instruments available.)

I would suggest Reblitz's book(see Phil Bondi's e-mail).  It touches on many 
phases of piano technology.  If you want to get in a little deeper, the Randy 
Potter School of Piano Technology has a fairly comprehensive course with lots 
of step-by-step instruction.  It isn't cheap, so it may not be ideal for a 

> 2) What digital devices are available for computer-assisted tuning? 
> (I read your discussion of the Verituner - it looks really 
> interesting.) Do you think that such a device would be useful when 
> learning tuning?

I like Tunelab Pocket quite a bit.  It is a program that is installed into a 
Pocket PC.  It contains many interesting features, including the ability to 
customize a tuning to a particular piano.  I don't use it all the time except to 
get my initial A440.  I am first and foremost an aural tuner, but if I have 
to tune a funky old spinet in a hurry, it really helps hasten the process.  

If you are a musician and are able to hear beats clearly, I think you should 
work on your aural skills.  Having an electronic aid can help you learn to 
tune better by ear.  The bottom line:  if it doesn't sound good, it doesn't 
matter what the screen says,  The ear is the final judge.  

It's an interesting avocation, and one where you never stop learning.  

Dave Stahl

> Best greetings,
> Nicholas Asplund.

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