Size of Verituner

Tue, 27 May 2003 11:39:55 -0400

I've had my Verituner for more than a year now and used an SAT I and III prior to that. The footprint is similar to the SAT I & II, bigger than the SAT III. Too big for most small vertical pianos with the lid half-way up. As I did with my SATs, I always put the VT on the fallboard in some form or fashion. Works just fine for me. I don't know what the weight is - a bit more than a SAT I I guess - but maybe that's because it does a lot more!?!?

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Morison" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:52 AM
Subject: Size of Verituner

Can anyone tell me how big a verituner is? Also how much does it weight? I am wondering if its
 footprint is similar to a SAT and if it will sit on top of an upright while tuning it. Any information 
would be appreciated, I browsed the archives and could not find any of this information.

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