Backchecking Height

Richard Brekne
Tue, 27 May 2003 19:49:21 +0200

"Bradley M. Snook" wrote:

> Stéphane, you have outlined my problem exactly: setting backchecking height
> out of the piano often gives substantially different results when the
> keyboard is put back in the piano. I too have been using the
> chalk-and-blindly-correct method, but I would love to get something that is
> more effective. Are there any other ideas out there?
> Bradley
> P.S. Just so things are clear, I am asking about the height of backchecking,
> not backcheck height. ;)

Kinda interconected tho, wouldnt you say ? Consistant backchecking depends on
consistant backcheck height, amoung many other things.

I like to set the actual check height at the piano... sliding the action in and
out as I go to make sure all is well. If you start of with checks at a good
angle and reasonbly close to where they will end up, all at the same height, and
the action well regulated, things go pretty quickly by using your fingers to
push (bend) the backchecks forward or back as need be.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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