Triple overstrung upright

Alan Forsyth
Tue, 27 May 2003 21:00:50 +0100

Dear listed ones,

I examined the strangest of curiosities today. I've come across a double
overstrung grand but never in my life would I have thought that I'd see a
double overstrung upright. But today was one better, a triple overstrung
upright. It is an 1880's Neumeyer (German) with a French crank type  action.
The first 5 notes in the upper bass are overstrung over the low tenor; the
rest of the bichords are then overstrung over these two layers and then the
11 remaining low bass singles are overstrung over these 3 layers. Each
"layer" has it's own separate bridge.

What an amazing whopping, thumping bass this piano has. There is a large
bass cutoff with no filler panel. The extreme bass bridge is about 2 inches
high and sits on stilts.

Anyone need pics?

Alan Forsyth

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