Air Powered Vacuum Sander

Tue, 27 May 2003 21:35:59 -0400

>From the Tool Warehouse web site:

Ultra Duty Vacuum-Ready Air Random Orbit Sander - 6" Pad 
Order# IR 4151 

$248.95  List Price
$105.58  On Sale! 
This vacuum ready. low vibration model produces an ultra-high quality finish and connects easily to central or portable vacuum systems. 
. 12,000 RPM free speed
. Durable lightweight composite design weighs less than 2 lbs. - easy on arms
. 8 CFM average air consumption
. 6" Pad for PSA  

My noisy Sears air compressor is rated to deliver 6 point something CFM. And indeed, when I use the sander constantly without letting up on the ON button, if my tank starts out at 120 lbs. pressure, after ten minutes or so it is down to 80 or 60 lbs. pressure (with the air compressor running constantly). So the 8 CFM consumption at full throttle is probably about right. But all that happens with lower air pressure is that is slows down just a tiny, teeny, weeny bit - no bit deal in my view and for my uses. My air compressor drives it just fine. When my piece of junk noisy air compressor blows up, I'll get an 8 CFM compressor (that is quiet!). The sander itself is actually very quiet (so if you had your compressor outside and a central vacuum system outside, it would be a very quiet operation). It comes with a pad for stick-on sanding disks. All of my disks are Velcro-type. I went to a local tool supply place and for $8 I bought a replacement pad that holds the Velcro (or hook & loop I think it is called) type disks. Drilled the six vacuum holes for it, and I'm off to the DUSTLESS races!

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joseph Garrett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: Air Powered Vacuum Sander

> Terry,
> Pray tell, what is the make? Where did you get it? How much?
> Droollllllll!<G>
> Best Regards,
> Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)
> Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}
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