Octave partials

David West dnvwest@inwave.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 20:51:31 -0500

Hi List,
I am currently a student of the trade, and enjoy reading the information
and debates posted on this forum!!
I have a question regarding Octave Partials, and will try to keep this
I know that in a 4:2 octave, you tune the 4th partial of the lower note
to the 2nd partial of the upper note as well as with a 6:3 octave, and
so on.  So my question is, for example when tuning an F octave what is
the distinction between 4:2, and say a 6:3 octave tuning?
I have searched the archives, and reviewed my potter course manual, and
still a little confused!  I plan on purchasing RCT in the next couple of
days, for my dell axim to assist in the progress of my aural tuning.
Sorry to post such a basic question, and hope no one gets to

Thanks in advance!!
David West
Roscoe , IL.

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