Stringing Braid and the perception of doing it right

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 28 May 2003 07:36:41 -0500

>That's my question: What is the purpose of stringing braid? If its purpose
>is to dampen overtones, aren't the overtones necessary in the production of

It's a matter of degree. Long un-damped back scales in the mid and low 
tenor can howl loud and long enough to be a problem. These days, I string 
without braid, listen, and braid if and where I think it's necessary on a 
piano by piano basis. Manufacturers can't do that. They have to specify 
that braid goes to points somewhat beyond the statistically likely problem 
areas and get on with it, even if it means damping back scales that 
wouldn't have been a problem being left open.

Then, of course, they put in tuned rear duplexes (then partially braid 
them), and tuned front duplexes that make more obnoxious noise than would 
the back scales they braided. There's obviously a master plan at work 
here... somewhere.

Ron N

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