Stringing Braid and the perception of doing it right
Wed, 28 May 2003 10:18:44 EDT

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My rule of thumb on braid is that if I pluck the tail and it goes "tnk" I 
don't braid, and if it goes "tnnngk" I do. Tails can act like short, inharmonic 
rods, particularly in the tenor and bass; and if they get excited by a note or 
even a particular combination of notes, they can add an unpleasant, hard to 
find resonance.

I service a D in a dead hall. This particular one had braid unusually far up 
the scale, from the factory. I undid the braid down to the bass-tenor strut 
and the tone livened up and relaxed noticeably. I went one note too far, though, 
as there is a jump in the tail length where they go on the other side of the 
strut, and the howl was audible. I rebraided that one note and it is 

Bob D

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