Stringing Braid and the perception of doing it right

Roger Jolly
Wed, 28 May 2003 08:22:10 -0600

Hi Phil,
              Some pianos will only have the back scale over tones show up, 
under it's own particular circumstances.  Older Yamaha CF's often have a 
distinct A5 sound as if it has a damper problem, when it's played hard. 
Extend the braid felt an extra 3 notes and wow it's gone.

I've cleaned up a lot of vertical pianos by braiding the bass and tenor 
sections.  But as Jim has said,  It's a piano by piano thing.
Baldwin Hamilton's of the older vintage, come to mind as being 
improvable.  Re: Bass back scale.

The piano maker will see how little they need and then make the Judgement Call.

Regards Roger

At 07:55 AM 5/28/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Good Morning to all.
>I recently completed my 3rd re-string of my brief career..2 Baldwin Grands
>and a newer Wurlitzer Grand that had pre-maturely rusted.
>This last re-string has further convinced me of my conviction of the
>Stringing Braid is not necessarily necessary.
>There was alot of stringing braid that came off of this
>Baldwin(#17907..circa 1911)..the bass bridge wire was braided, and the low
>tenor to about A4 was braided. That's over 1/2 of the instrument being
>Is there some musical significance to stringing braid? If there is, I'm not
>hearing it.
>I am of the belief that a wire on a piano should be allowed to speak freely
>without any restrictions. The piano is the only stringed instrument that I
>can think of that uses a dampening agent(?) on its waste area for the
>purpose of...........
>That's my question: What is the purpose of stringing braid? If its purpose
>is to dampen overtones, aren't the overtones necessary in the production of
>sound? If the purpose of stringing braid is to 'pretty up' the piano, then
>I'm guilty of not wanting to pretty it up in that fashion, because I'm not
>hearing anything that requires it to be 'prettier'.
>I'm looking forward to the responses.
>-Phil Bondi (Fl.)
>pianotech list info:

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